Got back E-Maths paper 1 today.. Mr. Ang mark damn fast man.. We did it on Tuesday, and he returned us 2 days later. And guess what.. When he showed us the class list with all the marks keyed in, I got like damn low on the class list. Then after today's exam, he came in and return us the paper for us to check, I checked and what -.- Count less 10 marks! I should get 10 marks more la.. Before that I kept on thinking about it sia, how come can get so low de.. 想来想去也想不到.. And now.. 真相大白! Haha. K and anyway, was damn careless in the paper too.. But ya, everyone will be careless also, it just depends on how careless are we.
Next, today's Physics paper 2. Sigh, I screwed up the mercury barometer part. I also screwed up some other questions like... those definitions question. But there are reasons for me screwing up these questions.. I admit that I didn't really study enough before the paper.. I only studied like the night before.. What I thought would come out didn't come out, and what I thought didn't come out came out. So.. what a waste man.. But, its alright. This is not the end of the world. The most important is O-levels.. I had rather do badly now than doing badly in O's..
Tomorrow will be Bio paper 1. I think I need to study more already after going through these scenarios...